Bond as a Team


Hover over or select middle of bond as a team for more information.



build trust

Build Trust

build trust - description

Your team members share information about themselves and learn how to identify and exploit team strengths and remediate areas for development

Regulate Emotion

Regulate Emotion

build trust - description

Your team tries out proven techniques for emotion regulation in the context of team challenges

Explore Differences

Explore Differences

Explore Differences - description

Your team identifies learned habits for dealing with differences and practices tools for more productive conversations

Bond as a Team

Bond as a Team

Bond as a Team - description

Your team learns how to build trust, regulate emotion, explore differences, practise empathising and create as a group

Practise Empathising

Practise Empathising

Practise Empathising - description

Your team learns to 'step into the pit' with colleagues plus seek feedback on how others perceive them

Create as a Group

Create as a Group

Create as a Group - description

Your team learns how to increase 'Aha!' moments of insight to challenges and generate innovative solutions



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JCA operates from Manchester and London, England and works with clients globally.


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